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Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEnce to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions

NATALIE, a research project, contributes to the objectives of the European Union mission “Adaptation to Climate Change”, aiming to empower at least 150 regions and local communities to become climate resilient by 2030.

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Designing with Nature for a Sustainable Future

The Story Behind: 

In a world increasingly shaped by extreme weather and environmental degradation, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, do we continue to fight against nature, or do we learn to design with it? 
Behind this motto are the efforts of 43 partners from 13 countries, working together to rethink climate adaptation. At NATALIE, we believe resilience comes from designing with nature.
Across Europe, our project showcases how nature-based solutions (NBS) help regions adapt to climate change by restoring ecosystems, mitigating floods, securing water resources, and revitalising biodiversity.
Our motto is more than words, it represents our commitment! We co-create solutions with nature, communities, and experts to develop sustainable, scalable models that regions can replicate. 
Working with nature is not just an option, it’s the way forward.


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