External Advisory Board
The NATALIE External Advisory Board is made up of external senior advisors from various fields. They will review the project’s progress, assess difficulties and priorities, and ensure integration of project results with international initiatives

José ANTA,
Universidade da Coruña. Spain
Universidade da Coruña. Spain
Senior Lecturer at Civil Engineering School at Universidade da Coruña (Spain).
His research is related with urban drainage systems, with a strong focus on the development of large Research Infrastructures and the application on novel metrology sensing techniques in urban flooding, pollutant transport and Sustainable urban Drainage Systems.
Member of CITEEC technological center. Co-ordinator of Co-UDlabs H2020 project.

Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology. Austria
Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology. Austria
Prof. Ana Deletic is Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Queensland University of Technology, located in Brisbane, Australia (QUT).
Previously, Ana held roles as the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of New South Wales. She is an urban water researcher, focusing on stormwater management and socio-technical modelling. She led the development of several green nature-based water treatment systems which are now widely adopted in Australia and abroad. Ana is an Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), and Editor of Water Research.
In 2012, the Victorian State Government awarded Ana the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation (Physical Sciences) for her lifelong achievements in stormwater research.

Water Board Brabantse Delta. The Netherlands
Water Board Brabantse Delta. The Netherlands
Arthur Meuleman is CEO of Water Board Brabantse Delta.
He obtained his PhD at Utrecht University, The Netherlands on the hydrology and nutrient modelling of wetlands used for waste water treatment. For more than 20 years he worked as a scientist in the field of ecohydrology, water chemistry and impact assessment of climate change, on projects commissioned by governmental and private organisations (nature conservation, water management and drinking water production) in The Netherlands and in international studies.
At present, he is CEO of Water Board Brabantse Delta. This Water Board consists of an elected board and an organisation of more than 600 employees. The Board is responsible for integrated water management and waste water treatment of the western part of the Province of Brabant, The Netherlands. The main challenges for the Water Board are subjects related to climate changes (e.g. water safety against flooding, severe droughts and forest fires in summer) and sustainability (e.g. energy and nutrient recovery from wastewater, reuse of chemicals).

Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas CIEMAT / Centro de Investigación Sociotécnica CISOT. Spain
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas CIEMAT / Centro de Investigación Sociotécnica CISOT. Spain
Understanding the dynamics of environmental risk perception and designing methods and tools for citizen & stakeholder engagement in the context of climate change and ecological transition have been her main research interests. The implications of these societal processes in the design and evaluation of environmental public policies is other of her research interest. More recently, she is specially concern with transdisciplinarity, and more precisely with the need to evaluate, its impact in the context of EU funded projects.
She was coordinator of the PACHEBEL Project (Policy Addressing Climate Change and Learning about Consumer Behaviour and Everyday Life), funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (2010-2013) and of the Social Studies on Fusion Programme (SES: Socioeconomic Studies on Fusion), funded by EUROfusion, (2014-2020). She is currently coordinating the ECF4CLIM project (A European Competence Framework for a Low Carbon Economy and Sustainability Through Education), funded by H2020 (Green Deal Call), focusing on the development of a Competence Framework on Climate Change and Sustainability for the educational community (2021-2025).
She has published book chapters and articles in journals such as Public Understanding of Science, Journal of Risk Research, Energy Policy or Risk and Public Health.

Independent Expert on Innovation and EU policies, Water Europe. Brussels
Independent Expert on Innovation and EU policies, Water Europe. Brussels
Background on Mechanical engineering, Thermodynamics, Energy, Environment and Economics. International experience with private and public sector.
1978-1984, Portugal
1978-1984, Portugal
Lisbon University - Researcher, lecturer in combustion and fluid mechanics
Tecninvest - manufacturing engineer, energy audits energy and resource intensive industries
1984-1994, Switzerland
Lombardi Ing. - Tunneling, modelling
1984-1994, Switzerland
Lombardi Ing. - Tunneling, modelling
Environmental Department Canton Ticino- IMPULS programs, research, demonstration, technology dissemination, training, and public awareness energy and environment . Co-author of the 'White paper on socio-economic impact for CH joining EEA' on energy-environment-transport.
Swiss Federal Government, Head of the office 'Infoenergie', energy for industry and the building sector and CH representative at Heat Pump Centre IEA/ OCDE.
1994-2018 - EU Commission Brussels, DG R&I and DG GROW
EU Research Framework Programs and EU Policies. Head of Units 'manufacturing’, ’ steel, materials and nanotechnologies', 'space and security', 'transport', 'science in society’, ‘women in Tech’, ‘environmental technologies, NBS , SDGs’ 'eco-innovation, circular economy’, ‘chemical industry ‘. Tasks Force Leader PRIMA-Joint Programming Initiative for Mediterranean area for Food and Water, Raw materials, Plastic Strategy, Research for an integrated EU Maritime policy. Task Force on Gender and DEI policies.
2018-2022 – EU Executive Agencies , Brussels.

Bogdan SUDITU,
University of Bucharest / Intercommunity Development Association of the Metropolitan Area of Bucharest. Romania
University of Bucharest / Intercommunity Development Association of the Metropolitan Area of Bucharest. Romania
Bogdan Suditu is a associated professor at the Faculty of Geography / University of Bucharest, President of the Technical Commission for Urban and Territorial Planning of the City Hall of Bucharest, Green City Manager of Bucharest, coordinator of the Urban Planning and Urban Mobility Department within the Intercommunity Development Association of the Metropolitan Area of Bucharest and a partner within the NGO MKBT: Make Better.
With a Franco-Romanian training formation (doctorate under the joint supervision of the University of Bucharest and the University of Angers - France / 2006 and diplomat of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration - ENA, Strasbourg / 2010) and with a significant university experience (since 1998), but also in the central administration (coordinator of specialized departments in the field of housing, urban and territorial planning in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration / 2006-2013) and local administration (2021-2024), Bogdan Suditu is a permanent supporter of sustainable urban and metropolitan development, of building planning and territorial governance tools through which public and private interests are harmonized in sustainable urban projects. He has published articles and books on housing policies, residential mobilities, urban sprowl and informal settlements, informal settlements, etc.
In 2017 he was designated the Professor of the Year of the University of Bucharest, and in 2021 he was awarded the "Ordre des palmes academiques" in the rank of Knight, by the President of the French Republic.
With a Franco-Romanian training formation (doctorate under the joint supervision of the University of Bucharest and the University of Angers - France / 2006 and diplomat of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration - ENA, Strasbourg / 2010) and with a significant university experience (since 1998), but also in the central administration (coordinator of specialized departments in the field of housing, urban and territorial planning in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration / 2006-2013) and local administration (2021-2024), Bogdan Suditu is a permanent supporter of sustainable urban and metropolitan development, of building planning and territorial governance tools through which public and private interests are harmonized in sustainable urban projects. He has published articles and books on housing policies, residential mobilities, urban sprowl and informal settlements, informal settlements, etc.
In 2017 he was designated the Professor of the Year of the University of Bucharest, and in 2021 he was awarded the "Ordre des palmes academiques" in the rank of Knight, by the President of the French Republic.